qarth.oauth documentation

Base fns for OAuth and OAuth-style interactive auth services.
You can also define your own auth implementations--see the docs.


Multimethod. Usage:
(activate service record auth-code)
Takes a new auth record and a auth-code, and creates an active auth record.
If activation fails, can return nil or optionally
throw an Exception of some kind.


Multimethod. Usage:
(active? service record)
True if a record is active (authenticated and usable), false otherwise.


Multimethod. Usage:
(build {:type type :api-key my-key :api-secret my-secret ...})

Create an auth service from a hash map specification.

Mandatory fields:
:type -- the type of the service; multimethods dispatch on this

Usually required for OAuth:
:api-key -- your API key. the [type, api-key] pair uniquely identifies a service
:api-secret -- your API secret

Implementations may accept other fields also, such as the following:
:callback -- a callback URL for interactive browser logins

Auth services contain secret information, like api secret keys.
Be careful if about writing or serializing them.


Multimethod. Usage:
(extract-code service record ring-request)

Return an auth code from the given Ring-formatted request.
If the request was invalid (perhaps due to a CSRF attack),
it should return nil.


Multimethod. Optional. Usage:
(id requestor)

Gets a user ID from the requestor. The ID is guaranteed to be unique
and unchanging per service.


Multimethod. Usage:
(new-record service)
(new-record multi-service key)

Returns an inactive OAuth record. An OAuth record keeps tracks of
state tokens, request tokens, auth codes, access tokens, CSRF, &c.

Returns a map with:
:type -- required, the type of the record
:url -- optional, a callback URL for interactive auth
other various implementation-specific keys


Multimethod. Usage:
(let [r (requestor service record)]
  (r opts))

Returns a fn that can be used to make requests to the auth service.
The requestor works similarly to the Clojure library clj-http.
If the record is inactive (perhaps it expired or was never activated),
throws a Slingshot exception {::qarth.auth/unauthorized true}.

Mandatory opt:
:url -- the request URL

Supported opts:
:method -- :GET, :PUT, :POST, :DELETE, default :GET
:body -- the HTTP body for PUT or POST. Overrides form-params.
Can be anything usable by (e.g. a String or byte array).
:form-params -- the form parameters
:query-params -- the query parameters
:headers -- a string->string map
:follow-redirects -- true or false, default true

Returns a Ring-Style response map containing at least:
:status -- the status code
:headers -- the http headers
:body -- an InputStream (be sure to read and/or close it when you're done!)

If an exceptional status code happens, throws an Exception instead.
Other implementations might support more opts and return more stuff.

A default implementation is provided for implementors. It adds the param
:access_token to the form params if it's a POST, and the query if it's a GET.


(resp-reader req)
Get a reader from a response map. Make sure to close and/or fully read it.